The Chelem Legend – Fool Moon

As part of its English series, the Train Theater presents “The Chelem Legend”. A theatrical adaptation based on the humorous stories of Chelem and Eastern European Jewish folklore.

Lemech and Layzer set out on an adventurous journey to find a new moon for the city of  Chelem, to replace the one that was stolen.

The plot unfolds via a “pop-up book” with the aid of puppets and shadows.
Galia Levy-Grad, a designer, puppeteer and storyteller, specialises in paper art.
The performance integrates original Klezmer music by Eyal Talmudi, of the “Oy Division” band.

The show “Chelem Legend, Fool Moon” won the Set Design and Accesories Award in the 22nd Haifa International Children’s Festival.


Train Theater
Located in Liberty Bell Park
Keren HaYesod St, Jerusalem
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