Tower of David Sukkot Ropes Course

“Towers in the Air”

This Sukkot take an adventure and experience the Ropes Course at the Tower of David Museum.

Have you ever imagined yourself walking on a tightrope strung between King Herod’s tower and the Ottoman walls of the Old City?

Or jumping off the ancient minaret at a height of 30 meters?

Have you thought about climbing the Crusader walls?

Come enjoy awesome, challenging, physical activities combining Jerusalem’s glorious past of 4,000 years of history with 7 stations – ropes, ladders, omegas, climbing walls, and rappelling – allowing visitors to climb, slide, jump and feel the experience of active sports, surrounded by layers of history.

Reservations are required.

Tower of David, Jerusalem

Contact Us - Sukkot at the Tower of David

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