Lenagen Bekef, a music school located in the center of Jerusalem, has summer programs for kids and teens of all levels. Those who already play – even just a bit – can join a band and perform in a concert or record a song, while those who are aching to play can take a crash course in guitar.
Bands in the Summer
Enjoy playing… but want to do more than just play alone? Ever thought of joining a band? The time has come to do something about it. Come to the summer program at Lenagen Bekef, where we’ll put you in a band and provide you with expert hadrachah (instruction). The course is for three hours a day over two weeks and by the end you’ll be ready to perform on stage or record a track. For ages 11-18, all levels welcome.
Crash Course in Guitar
Learn some of your favorite songs as you gain a solid foundation in how to play the guitar in just two weeks. For ages 11-18, no prior knowledge needed.
Each program comprises ten three-hour sessions that take place over a two-week period from Sunday to Thursday during each week.
At the end of the program, the participants can continue to learn at Lenagen Bekef with private lessons or by joining our regular bands program.