The Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel has some fabulous acitivities, in English, throughout August.
Night Safari at the Nili and David Jerusalem Bird Observatory
Explore the natural nightlife of the city! Learn how nocturnal animals survive in the night and test your own senses after dark, as we search for owls, porcupines, bats, scorpions and more. (Ages 5+) TICKETS
Early morning nature walk at Gazelle Valley Park
Beat the heat with an early start at the Gazelle Valley Park as we search for the first early fall migrants, butterflies, gazelles and more. (Ages 5+) TICKETS
Welcome back to the birds at the Nili and David Jerusalem Bird Observatory
As the summer winds to a close, the fall bird migration is starting to trickle through. Let’s welcome them back with a bird walk and a visit to the Ariel ringing station to see what birds are beginning to arrive. (Ages 5+) TICKETS