Volunteer at Ohr Meir & Bracha Food Packing

Ohr Meir and Bracha invites the public to volunteer in packing up food baskets for families affected by terror.

Make sure to let the office know in advance that you plan to come.

Baskets contain chicken, challot, fruit/vegetables and all that is needed to celebrate Shabbat or Chag. Each Thursday, as we assemble the baskets, we are joined by a cast of volunteers stemming from Olim Chadashim, recent retirees, students from local Seminaries and Yeshivot, Chayalim and the list goes on.

By the afternoon, the 400 families in our care arrive to pick up their baskets.  Those who are no longer mobile, have their package delivered to them.

Ohr Meir & Bracha
Yakim St 3, Jerusalem
Arzei Habira

Volunteer - Ohr Meir & Bracha

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