NEW! – Podcasts for Kids from Beit Avi Chai

Beit Avi Chai has just launched two new podcast series for kids & teens.

HaMabat (The LOOK) is a news program giving in-depth analyis and explanations of the latest developments in Israel, in an age-appropriate way. It is recorded with the advice, guidance and involvement of an expert clinical psychologist.  It’s for kids aged 7-12 years old, their siblings and parents who “already know it all!”


Rehab: What is rehab and why is it always being talked about in the news? DOWNLOAD HERE
Freedom, recess & vacation: What does freedom really mean for us? DOWNLOAD HERE
Hostages: We will try to understand a bit more about our hostages.  DOWNLOAD HERE

Al HaDerech (Along The Way)

This podcast is intended for family listening. Each episode tells you about the history of one of the most recommended travel routes in Israel, and it’s packed with tips for the trip and even fascinating information about the nature that you’ll see, feel, smell, and experience. It aims to make your travel experience, richer and more meaningful.

You can download all the AL HADERECH episodes, HERE

Join their Facebook group for all updates!

Beit Avi Chai
King George St 44, Jerusalem, Israel
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